“The Colors of ROAR”


My close friends know that I’m a very spiritual person. I hate religion with a passion, but I absolutely love Jesus, the church, and the prophetic. In fact, I definitely believe I am a prophet. Not that I want to get all weird with people or ever make them feel like I’m “reading” them or anything, cuz it’s not that! But, I LOVE to prophesy to people, building them up and encouraging them, speaking over them the amazing things God sees about them and how much He loves them. I also “see” things that Heaven sees for the world and the global church. I continue to have dreams, visions, and get words — and it’s beyond exciting!

So, the recent word I got inspired the above paintings. I’ll list the word here :)

I saw a mountain range, and specifically 7 main mountain peaks with a road going through it far into the distance. Into that mountain range. I saw the arrogance of the enemy controlling these high mountains. People in high places: influencers, gatekeepers, and decision-makers were at the top. There was fear and dread by the church to walk that road into those mountains.

A fierce lion started walking toward the mountains, we, the church, were walking with Him. As He approached, the mountains themselves began to bow and reverently move to make a way for Him. As the mountains bowed, they began to have vibrant colors and patterns, with gold in them - almost like their expression of worship. To the surprise of us the church, many of the people that were on those high places were also turning and bowing to the Lion, and then joining all of us walking. Those who didn't bow just slipped off the high places as the mountains bowed and then left - not sure where they went, but they were not there.

I believe the Lord is saying this...

The mountains represent the 7 main places of influence and the people in those high places: influencers, gatekeepers, and decision-makers in: government, education, arts & entertainment, media, religion/church, family, and business. The time has come for My church to let go of fear, strife, and indifference and to walk TOWARD the mountains instead of AWAY from them. As we are now hearing our mighty Lion of Judah roaring, that ROAR is not roar of anger towards people or even toward the mountains. It is NOT a ROAR to ignore, cancel, or avoid the mountains. It is a ROAR of love, it is a ROAR of Kingdom Vision and the power to heal, love, and influence! The ROAR is not merely a declaration, it is a DECREE, a law of the Kingdom of God being set forth and established against the kingdom of darkness.

As you walk with the Lion of Judah TOWARD and INTO the mountains, they will bow in reverence and worship Him -- they were made for this! And one of two things MUST happen with the people in the high places...they either turn and worship Him and join the walk of the Lion OR they lose their footing and slip off of those high places--losing their grip and control in those places.

Many, many people that you did not think would ever serve Jesus, will actually turn to Him and serve Him! So, My church, Look now at the Lion of Judah, hear his ROAR, know what it means, and Go! He is the Head, you are the body, so Go! Walk with Him confidently to those places which I have called you to! I walk with you, I have empowered you, equipped you. You will see My glory saturate the earth!”

I am a singer/recording artist but a novice artist when it comes to drawing and painting (besides basic interior design)! So, these paintings are coming from my heart and I’m just learning, but I wanted to share them with you all since I believe there is a powerful story behind them!

Thanks for reading!

Heidi Rickard