Our Team

Heidi Rickard, Founder of Spark Art Society

Music, art, teaching, and ministry have been constant staples for Heidi, even from a young age. Among her earliest ventures were songwriting, performing in church, and interior arts & design. They have continued to play a big role in her life, as she is currently an electro-pop singer/recording artist, and loves to do interior design projects whenever she can!

Her passion doesn’t stop with the arts themselves, but she has a deep desire to connect with artists…partnering with, teaching, and encouraging them in their God-given purposes. Her background in pastoral and worship ministry lends well to the vision of Spark Art Society and its functions.

“I feel like my calling is to spark and steward a creative movement for the Kingdom of God — where people are encouraged to fully be themselves, walk out their destiny, and impact the world with their art” —Heidi

Jason Cash, Core Team Member

Growing up, the arts were always a part of Jason’s life as both of his parents were musicians and artists. As he grew, so did his love for music and the arts and eventually that lead him to study music at Oklahoma State University, and receive his Master’s Degree at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Music remains a huge part of his life, and while he has played in the pit orchestra for numerous musicals and still plays in various bands and orchestras, his talents, experience, and love of the arts are well rounded. From theatre, to painting, to interior design, and even fashion.

He also loves thrifting and bringing new life to “old” things while designing spaces. Creating a unique space and breathing life into it is his passion!

He teaches and coaches people on how to enjoy the arts and world around them, especially making homes and spaces that are unique, artistic, and a God-centered place of peace. He believes everything we do is capable of bringing glory to God, so he loves helping people find their own artistic identity to express.

“I believe that everyone is unique, and given different gifts and talents. It’s time to sift through to them to find the art and talent to allow everyone to express themself”! -Jason


Satyria Marshall, Core Team Member

Satyria is a wife, mother of 3 sons, fashion restoration artist, licensed hair stylist, and spoken word artist/performer.  She was born and raised by her grandparents in Detroit, Michigan, and it was here where she spent much of her childhood years serving in church.  Her grandmother modeled the life of a woman who loves God, loves people, and is “mindfully fashionable” (thrift-shop couture).  She not only sparked a fire in her for the fashion arts, but also to use them to serve people.  Whether she is styling her clients, closet organizing,  or teaching Thrifty Couture workshops, her passion for people and creativity is evident.

She also expresses her heart in the form of dance, writing, poetry, spoken word, and journaling, which have played a big part in her life growth.

“God has given me many artistic talents. My love for creativity has given me the desires of an artist— that is PASSION in everything I do!” —Satyria

Joy Weinzierl, Core Team Member

Growing up as a pastor’s kid in the Presbyterian Church and leading for almost four decades with her husband at Grace Christian Church has been the honor of Joy’s life. Joy loves Jesus and the church. She and Jerry were high school sweethearts, married young, and now are blessed with three married kids and 11 grandchildren.

Joy has a passion to see every person come fully alive in the discovery of their Kingdom identity and purpose through an intimate connection with God. The revelation that God’s creativity is deposited and resident in every person opened up new possibilities for how ministry is done. Unlocking God’s creativity within individuals and knowing it would bring joy, fullness, and then color our world for Jesus was exciting to say the least. You may be a painter, a writer, a mathematician, a culinary artist, a dancer, have a gift to organize, story tell, or so many other things. Everything is a deposit of creativity from God! Joy is happy to do whatever she can to awaken creativity and see it make a difference for the Kingdom of God. She longs to see people fully alive, filled with joy as they embrace and walk in their God-given creative identity.

“Maybe everyone is not an artist, but EVERYONE IS CREATIVE. If they don’t know it, then It just needs to be awakened!” —Joy